Orgo I

CHEM 3750 - Organic Chemistry I

Western Michigan University
Department of Chemistry
Organic Chemistry I
Spring 2018, Lecture: MWF 10:00-10:50 AM

SI Leader

Weekly SI Sessions at TA Briefing Room - 2401 Chemistry Building

Tips for being successful in Orgo I

When I took Orgo I, I found time management to be the most challenging to handle due to the complexity and difficulty of the course and to the amount of hours needed to dedicate to it. Thus, I strongly suggest that you plan a study habit where you dedicate specific times to only study for Orgo I and that you study efficiently and focusing in the main ideas of each chapter. I also suggest that you always keep in mind the main big concepts behind organic chemistry. The article “Six Pillars of Organic Chemistry" does a great job at highlighting the six main concepts which you will always encounter throughout your study of organic chemistry. These “pillars” are electronegativity, polar covalent bonding, steric effects, inductive effects, resonance and aromaticity. As you will see, these six concepts will always be present!

Additionally, make sure that you attend all lectures and participate by taking good and organized notes and asking questions. Attend office hours, SI sessions or go to the Bronco Study Zone to get help on concepts, practice problems or study techniques. Last but definitely not least, read the book, take your own notes and practice, practice and practice! In my opinion, the best way to study for Orgo is doing practice problems, they are essential for you to understand the material and to prepare yourself for the exams. Therefore, practice book problems! (Seriously!)


I believe that for any course that you take, summarizing is pivotal for your learning. Therefore, I highly recommend that as you read the chapters (preferably prior to attending lectures), you summarize the content in your own words to strengthen your learning. I am attaching here my own summaries , but they should serve only as a guide for you to create your own summaries in a way that works the best for you.